Plusieurs personnes m’ont déjà demandé ce que j’ai pensé de ce film, sorti en France cet été avec une assez grosse couverture médiatique.

C’est “marrant”, il a recu apparament d’assez bonnes critiques chez vous (en France). Je l’ai vu en Suisse (avec mes 2 chefs suisses, retraités), mon avis est assez mitigé.

Le fait est que j’ai eu le ressentiment que ce film est un moyen pour la diaspora arménienne pour s’apitoyer sur son pays : une histoire assez mal ficelée et un peu trop fourre tout, qui se veut de soulever à la fois une multitude de sujets 1000 fois ressasés (la corruption, le marasme post-communisme, la fuite des jeunes vers l’étranger). Le plus gênant en fait est que la réalité du pays ne colle absolument pas. Et c’est ca qui a déplut à la plupart des personnes vivant en Arménie qui l’ont vu (peu, encore, car le film n’a pas été suffisament diffusé localement).

Ceci dit, les images sont jolies.

Ceux qui l’ont vu, vous en pensez quoi?

Some people have already asked me my opinions about this french movie from director Robert Guediguian about Armenia, which went out in France this summer, and which benefited of an important media cover.

That’s funny because it received some pretty good critics in Europe. I saw it in Switzerland, with my two armenian bosses, this july and my opinion is pretty mixed.

The story is about an old sick man, armenian roots of course, who decide suddenly to go back to his original land. And his daughter, who basically don’t give a shit about it, comes to Armenia to find him, and bring him back to France. Once there, she discovers the “so-called” local reality. And it’s the occasion for her to question all her certainties.

I really had the impression that this film was a way for the diaspora to move to pity for its country and its critical situation. The story is pretty poor, and is aimed to deal with issues which has been debated more than a hundred times (corruption, post communism, youth drain…).

What’s the most disturbing me, and all armenian people who’ve seen it, is that “so-called” reality that absolutely doesn’t fit.

Let’s hope that this movie would be distributed enough here in Armenia so people could debate and give their opinions about it.

At least, our country would have benefited to a media coverage in France, which is not so bad :)