Just bought 1 week ago, the new Bambir (here and there) demo. 12 tracks of burning 70s rock n roll. A bit rough mixed (it is a demo, keep it in mind). Brilliant songs.

From “The Wild“, as a raging overture, to the chilling “Lullaby for Pauper“, not a single second to waste. And certainly not “Painted Minds”‘ furious finish, revisiting Aram Khatchaturyan’s classic under the heavy influence of extravaganza youth.

The problem is, for addicts like me, that something is missing. Something sweating and noisy. And, “The New Generation” which is scary on stage just sound too much clean on CD.

But anyway. A great moment. For less thah 5 euros. I’m taking orders for the french/european people interested :)

And what could be better than (yet) another concert to celebrate the demo release? Live from Down Yerevan, for the 1st armenian edition of the french event “La fête de la musique“. The Moscow cinema square was packed. Onnik blogged some other pictures.

Keep on rockin in a free world
Bambir / Fête de la musique / Yerevan / June 07 / www.followtheway.info